Legal Notice

Legal Notice

In accordance with the law of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, we inform visitors and users of the website of the following elements:


The website is the exclusive property of Globe Training & Consulting, which publishes it.

Globe training & consulting
SAS with share capital of 2000€
03. Rue Gustave EIFFEL.78300. POISSY. MEDIA space.

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In accordance with the Data Protection Act dated January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting us.

Purpose and scope:

Following the order of a training course, the Customer accepts without reservation these general conditions of sale which prevail over any other document of the buyer, in particular its general conditions of purchase.

Contract documents :

At the request of the Client, GTC sends him in duplicate a continuing professional training agreement as provided for by law. The client commits GTC to him by returning as soon as possible a signed copy bearing his commercial stamp.

A registration is definitively validated when this document is signed.

At the end of this training, a certificate of attendance is sent to the Customer's Training Department.

Prices, invoicing and payment:

All our prices are indicated excluding taxes. They are to be increased by VAT at the rate in force. Any training started is due in full. Unless otherwise stated, they include the trainer's travel and meal expenses.

Invoices are payable, without discount and payable to the company GTC upon receipt of invoice.

Settlement by an OPCA:

In the event of payment for the service paid for by the Approved Joint Collecting Organization on which it depends, it is the Customer's responsibility to:

- Make a request for support before the start of the training and ensure the acceptance of your request.

- Indicate explicitly on the agreement and attach to GTC a copy of the support agreement;

- Ensure the successful completion of payment by the organization he has designated.

In the event of partial payment of the amount of the training by the OPCA, the balance will be invoiced to the Client. If GTC has not received support from the OPCA on the 1st day of the training, the Client will be invoiced for the full cost of the training.

If necessary, the reimbursement of assets by GTC is carried out at the written request of the Client accompanied by an original bank account statement.

Late penalties :

In the event of late payment, will be payable, in accordance with Article L 441-6 of the Commercial Code, an indemnity calculated on the basis of three times the legal interest rate in force as well as a lump sum indemnity for expenses recovery of 40 euros.

These penalties are due automatically, upon receipt of the notice informing the Customer that they have been debited.

Order refusal:

In the event that a Customer registers for GTC training, without having paid for previous training, GTC may refuse to honor the order and refuse to participate in the training, without the Customer being able to claim any compensation. , for whatever reason.

Conditions for cancellation and postponement of the training action:

Any cancellation by the Customer must be communicated in writing. For any cancellation, even in case of force majeure:

- If a cancellation occurs before the start of the service and the training action is postponed within 12 months from the date of the order, the full payment of the customer will be credited to the Customer in the form of a creditable to future training. If no postponement has been made within this 12-month period, the payment will be retained by GTC as a lump sum indemnity.

- If a cancellation occurs during the training, the payment remains with GTC as a lump sum indemnity.

In the event of subrogation, the Customer undertakes to pay the amounts not covered by the OPCA.

Conditions for canceling and postponing a training session:

The Customer may cancel a training session insofar as this cancellation occurs at least 48 HOURS before the scheduled day and time. Any cancellation of a session must be communicated by telephone or email. The session can then be postponed according to the trainer's schedule.

Computing and Freedom :

The personal information that is communicated by the Client to GTC in application and in the execution of the training may be communicated to the partners

contract employees of GTC for the sole needs of said internships. The Customer may exercise his right of access, rectification and opposition in accordance with the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978.



The fact that GTC does not avail itself at a given time of any of the present clauses cannot constitute a waiver to avail itself of these same clauses at a later date.

Obligation not to solicit personnel:

The Customer undertakes not to poach or hire GTC personnel who participated in the performance of the contract, for the duration of the contract and for the two calendar years following the termination of the contractual relationship. In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, the client must pay GTC, as a penalty clause, compensation equal to twelve times the last salary, employer's contributions in addition, of the unduly poached employee.

Applicable law :

French law is applicable with regard to these General Conditions of Sale and the contractual relations between GTC and its Customers.

Skill allocation:

All disputes that cannot be settled amicably will fall under the EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMERCIAL COURT OF VERSAILLES regardless of the registered office or residence of the Customer, notwithstanding multiple defendants or warranty claims. This clause conferring jurisdiction will not apply in the event of a dispute with a non-professional Customer for which the legal rules of material and geographical jurisdiction will apply. This clause is stipulated in the interest of GTC, which reserves the right to waive it if it sees fit.

Place of residence:

The election of domicile is made by GTC at its head office at 03, Rue Gustave EIFFEL. 78300. POISSY

Ø Item 1:

These regulations are drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.6352-3 and L.6352-4 and R.6352-1 to R.6352-15 of the Labor Code. It applies to all trainees, for the duration of the training course.

Ø Article 2: Discipline:

It is strictly forbidden for GTC trainees:

- Bringing alcoholic beverages into the organization's premises;
- To attend training in a state of intoxication;
- To take away or modify the training materials;
- To modify the settings of the computer parameters;
- to eat in the classrooms;
- to use their mobile phones during the sessions;
- No smoking inside the training premises.

Ø Article 3: Training schedules:

Training schedules are set by the training organization. They are brought to the
knowledge of the trainees on the occasion of the delivery of the training program. Trainees are required to respect these hours.

The training manager reserves the right, within the limits imposed by provisions in
force, the right to modify the training schedules according to the needs of the service. THE
trainees must comply with the changes made by the training manager to the schedules for organizing the course.

Ø Article 4: Obligations of trainees in case of absence:

The GTC management must be notified by all means from the start of an absence.
Any foreseeable absence for personal reasons must be authorized in advance by the management of GTC.

This authorization is subject to compliance with a notice period of three (3) days. This obligation does not apply to unforeseeable situations or force majeure which must be brought to the attention of the Management as soon as possible.
In the event of illness or accident, the trainee must produce within 48 hours the medical certificate justifying his stoppage and indicating the duration of his unavailability.

In the event of extension of the illness beyond the expiry date of the initial certificate, a period of 48 hours must also be respected to justify the need for this extension.

Ø Article 5: Equipment. Docs:

Each trainee has the obligation to keep in good condition the equipment and teaching documents entrusted to him.
At the end of each training, all trainees must return, if necessary, to the trainer all materials and documents in their possession belonging to GTC.

Ø Article 6: Intellectual property:

It is strictly forbidden to record, photograph or film training sessions, filmed or other media.
The educational documentation provided during the training sessions is protected by copyright and may not be reused other than strictly for use related to the course.

Ø Article 7: Accidents and health problems:

Any accident, even apparently benign, occurring to a trainee during the course must be immediately reported to the Management of the training organization, either by the person concerned or by any person having knowledge of it.
It is in the interest of the trainees to inform the training manager of any health problems (for example: back pain, respiratory problems, physical disabilities) in order to allow, if necessary, an adjustment of the proposed exercises.

Ø Article 8: Penalties

Any action considered wrongful by the management of the training organization
may, depending on its nature and severity, be subject to one or other of the
sanctions below in ascending order of importance:
- Written warning by the Director of the training organization;
- Blame
- Definitive exclusion from training.

Ø Article 9: Interview prior to a sanction and procedure.

No sanction may be imposed on the trainee without the latter being informed at the same time and in writing of the grievances held against him. When the training organization considers taking a sanction, it summons the trainee by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or given to the person concerned against receipt, indicating the purpose of the summons, the date, time and place. of the interview, unless the sanction envisaged has no impact on the trainee's presence for the rest of the training.

During the interview, the trainee has the possibility of being assisted by a person of
his choice, trainee or employee of the training organization. The convocation mentioned in the previous article mentions this option.

During the interview, the reason for the sanction envisaged is indicated to the trainee: he then has the possibility of giving any explanation or justification of the facts of which he is accused.

When a precautionary measure of temporary exclusion with immediate effect is considered essential by the training organization, no definitive sanction relating to the faulty act at the origin of this exclusion can be taken without the trainee having been informed in advance of

grievances held against him and, possibly, that he was summoned to an interview and had the opportunity to explain himself to a Disciplinary Committee.

The sanction may not intervene less than one clear day nor more than 15 days after the interview or, where applicable, after the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee.
It is the subject of a written and reasoned notification to the trainee in the form of a registered letter, or
of a letter delivered against discharge. The training organization simultaneously informs the employer,
and possibly the joint body taking charge of the training costs, of the sanction taken.

Ø Article 10: Hygiene and safety:

It is up to the trainers to supervise the trainees and to supplement as frequently as
necessary the information of the trainees in matters of security applicable to the accomplishment of the
training courses he leads and to monitor compliance with these instructions.
Any trainee then has the duty to immediately report to the trainer or to the management of
the training organization the urgent measures to be implemented to put an end to any danger.

All trainers have the duty to refuse at the place of training any person who does not respect the
safety instructions and refusing to comply with them after notification by this trainer.

The prevention of the risks of accidents and illnesses is imperative and requires everyone to fully respect
all applicable health and safety requirements. To this end, the instructions
general and specific safety measures in force in the organization, when they exist, must be
strictly observed under penalty of disciplinary sanctions.

When the training takes place on the company's site, the general and specific instructions of
applicable safety are those of the company

– Protection and safety devices
The health and safety measures, the occupational medicine prescriptions resulting from the
regulations in force are compulsory for all.
To this end, the general and specific safety instructions applicable in the organization of
training must be strictly adhered to.
Interns must:
use the individual protection devices made available to them, ensure their
conservation and maintenance,
respect the safety instructions specific to each course or room,
· immediately report to the trainer or the management of the training organization any
defect or any deterioration of health and safety devices,

· report immediately to the trainer or the management of the training organization any
stoppage or incident of devices or installations of any kind, any failure risking
compromise security,
· do not touch the various equipment and materials as well as the various elements of the
electrical installations without being qualified in this regard or commissioned by a responsible
and in any case, without being authorized and observing the security measures,
· not to use equipment for which he has not received clearance and/or authorization,
· do not repair or disassemble without authorization if this operation
takes place outside the normal mission of the trainee concerned.

– Fire-fighting devices
The personnel must know and respect the safety instructions in case of fire.
He must ensure free access to fire-fighting means and equipment as well as exits from the
Trainees are prohibited from smoking within the premises of the establishment except in the premises provided
explicitly for this purpose.

- No Smoking
It is strictly forbidden to smoke inside all the premises of the establishment assigned to a
collective use. By premises for collective use, are concerned not only those occupied by
permanently by at least two people, but also all those in which
are likely to pass people other than the usual occupant, whether trainees,
interns from the company or outsiders. A poster recalling the ban is
affixed in the premises concerned.
Failure to comply with the obligation to smoke in the premises concerned will give rise to the pronouncement of a
disciplinary sanction.

Ø Article 11: General conduct:

The values upheld by GTC as well as the tradition of quality internal relations justify that everyone strives to show courtesy, respect for others, discretion and politeness in all circumstances.
The rules of individual general behavior and the proper functioning of the training organization
therefore formally prohibit:
· to have an incorrect attitude towards other trainees,
to devote the time of the internship to occupations unrelated to said internship,
· keep files or documents in the private home without authorization
express and written request from GTC Management to put into circulation lists of
subscriptions, collections, lotteries, petitions or memberships for political purposes or not,
· to organize unauthorized quests,
to engage in any trade whatsoever,
· to take away, without the express and written authorization of the trainer, objects belonging <to
the training organization or the host establishments,
· being drunk or under the influence of drugs.

Ø Article 12: Hygiene and safety:

· Trainees enter and leave by taking the routes and
exits provided for this purpose.
· It is forbidden to enter the premises or to leave by any other exit.
Trainees only have access to the premises of the training organization within the framework of
the performance of their internship; they have no right to enter or remain on the premises of the
internship for another.

Ø Article 13: distance learning:

· For distance learning, the trainee receives an email explaining the conditions of the
course of the service.

Ø Article 14: Advertising:

· A copy of these rules is given to each trainee (before any final registration).

It is also published at our premises.

Mediation for individuals

In accordance with Article L. 612-1 of the Consumer Code, the consumer, subject to Article L.612.2 of the Consumer Code, has the right to submit a request for amicable resolution by way of mediation, within a period of less than one year from its written complaint to the professional.

This establishment has designated, by membership registered under number 80188/MJ/2211, SAS Mediation Solution as a consumer mediation entity.

To seize the mediator, the consumer must formulate his request:

- Either in writing to:

Sas Mediation Solution

222 sheepfold road

01800 Saint Jean de Niost

Such. 04 82 53 93 06

- Either by email

- Either by completing the online form entitled "Seize the mediator" on the website

Regardless of the means of referral used, the request must imperatively contain:

- The applicant's postal, telephone and electronic contact details,

- The name and address and the registration number at Sas Médiation Solution, of the professional concerned,

- A brief statement of the facts. The consumer will specify to the mediator what he expects from this mediation and why,

- Copy of the prior complaint,

- all documents allowing the instruction of the request (purchase order, invoice, proof of payment, etc.)

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